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You can help heal yourself with REIKI

Reiki treatment at VITALUXE
Reiki Healing


Reiki is a fascinating ancient form of healing that has its roots in Tibet, China, and India. It has been practiced for thousands of years and is believed to harness the universal life energy which flows through all living things for healing purposes. The word 'Reiki' means "universal life energy" in Japanese and it is said to be effective in healing all levels of being, including spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional. It is important to note that Reiki is not a religion or a faith system. Anyone can practice it as long as they have the will to heal and become whole.

How Reiki Works

It's fascinating how Reiki works as a channel for the life energy to activate the recipient's natural healing process. The therapy is believed to work wherever it's most needed, creating a state of balance and releasing blocked energies within the mind, body, and spirit. It's noteworthy that Reiki is not only effective in healing but also in reinforcing the ability to take responsibility for one's life. It can help promote a happier and healthier life by bringing necessary changes in attitude and lifestyle.

Effects of Reiki

It's important to note that Reiki treatments have unique effects on individuals based on their needs. Results can vary, but some of the possible outcomes are healing, energy amplification and balancing, stress and emotional releases, and an increase in awareness and creativity. Even if you're feeling well, Reiki may still provide benefits to help you maintain your well-being.

You can help heal yourself

The simplicity of Reiki is truly beautiful. You don't need to learn Reiki, you simply need to accept it. Reiki enhances and amplifies your natural ability to heal, and you can even do things to help yourself. For example, changing negative thoughts to positive ones, being kind to yourself, and learning to approve of yourself can all be beneficial. You can also take a few moments each day to relax, laugh, and smile, which may help the healing process. If you enjoy Reiki and want to learn more, you can take classes to learn how to channel the healing energy yourself.

Reiki Treatment

Receiving Reiki is a simple, non-intrusive, and relaxing process. The session typically lasts around 45 minutes to an hour, during which the recipient lies down fully clothed on a couch. The therapist places their hands gently over the body, allowing the recipient to draw the energy to where it's needed. Each position is held for a few minutes, and there is no pressure, making it an ideal treatment for people of all ages, including the very young, the elderly, pregnant women, and those recovering from surgery. During the treatment, you may feel a pleasant sensation of warmth or a gentle tingling in the area being touched. You should also feel a deep sense of relaxation and well-being.

After Care

  • Drink plenty of water,

  • Avoid smoking and alcohol,

  • Relax,

  • Eat a healthy meal,

  • Go to bed early.

At VITALUXE we are here to help, so please get in touch and ask for Holistic Nurse Mo on 01329 448 677 or book online.

Beautiful. Confident. You.



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