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The History of Reflexology: From Ancient Egypt to Modern Day Practice

What is Reflexology?

Reflexology is a type of natural therapy that is based on the belief that there are reflex points on the feet and hands that can be used to promote healing throughout the body. This therapy has its roots in ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, Chinese, Africans, and Native American Indians, who all used healing therapies based on treating the feet and hands. Today, reflexology is a well-defined therapy that uses specific techniques to apply pressure to these reflex zones and accelerate the body's own energies to promote healing.

Can anyone be treated with Reflexology?

Reflexology is suitable for everyone, regardless of age or health condition, as the treatments are tailored to suit the needs of the individual. During the first appointment, the Reflexologist will ask questions about your health, both physically and emotionally, as well as your lifestyle, to gain a better understanding of all the factors that may be affecting your health. The actual Reflexology treatment follows the consultation and usually takes between forty-five and sixty minutes, preceded and finished with a foot massage.

How many treatments will I need?

The number of treatments required varies from person to person, and a series of treatments may be needed to make a significant change in the condition. Typically, you may choose to have weekly treatments until a consistent improvement is recorded, progressing to fortnightly and then monthly intervals. A treatment plan will be discussed and mutually agreed upon at the end of the first treatment. After the course of treatments has concluded, you may choose to have Reflexology regularly to maintain your good health, as any future areas of weakness or energy blockages may be found and corrected before ill health occurs.

We offer a number of options at VITALUXE to help you really enjoy the benefits of this treatment, including the option to book for the next 6 months!

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