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Let's talk about Vitamins!

Specifically the benefits of B12 and D.

vitamins B12 and D
Health food groups

Maintaining the right balance of vitamins in our diet is crucial, but it can sometimes be challenging, especially if we're unable or unwilling to consume certain foods such as meat, shellfish, eggs, and dairy.

The benefits of B12 Injections

If you're experiencing signs of vitamin B12 deficiency such as exhaustion, brain fog, frequent headaches, irritability, balance problems, constipation, sore or swollen tongue, mouth ulcers, pins and needles, or vision alteration, vitamin B12 injections can provide a much-needed boost. Those at particular risk of low B12 levels include alcoholics, diabetics, individuals with gastrointestinal problems, vegetarians, vegans, and those over 65.

Typically, the B12 injection is administered into a muscle or under the skin. As vitamin B12 is water-soluble, any excess will simply pass through your system with no risk of overdose.

The benefits of B12 injections include improved brain function, better mood, stronger bones, and an energy boost.

For further information please call and ask for our Nurse Practitioner Melojane Herbert. We offer treatment plans, or you can simply book an appointment via the online tool.

The benefits of Vitamin D injections.

Vitamin D is a crucial vitamin that can be obtained through diet and exposure to sunlight. It plays a significant role in maintaining healthy bones by aiding in calcium absorption and regulating the calcium levels in the blood. This, in turn, helps prevent Osteoporosis. Apart from this, Vitamin D is essential to maintain a healthy immune system, and it can help prevent autoimmune diseases and frequent infections. Low levels of Vitamin D have also been associated with low mood and depression, and Vitamin D injections can help in lifting one's spirits. Recent studies have also suggested that Vitamin D can reduce the risk of heart disease and may help in the prevention of certain types of cancer. Therefore, it is important to ensure that our bodies get an adequate amount of Vitamin D to stay healthy.

For further information please call and ask for our Nurse Practitioner Melojane Herbert. Or simply book an appointment via the online tool.

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