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Acu Seeds

Naturally support your wellbeing with this ancient acupressure tool

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When Giselle Boxer, founder of Acu Seeds heard the news she would never recover from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or M.E in her mid twenties, Giselle went on a personal healing journey using a holistic approach of diet, supplementation but most importantly Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).


Giselle believes that acupuncture, Chinese herbs and ear seeds played a huge role in reducing her symptoms. TCM has also been hugely beneficial for her during pregnancy and post-partum. It is now her mission to share the benefits of auricular acupressure with you. Vitaluxe are pleased to support this good news. Contact us to enquire further.

What are ear seeds?

Rooted in the principles of Chinese medicine, ear seeds are an acupressure tool which may support physical and mental well-being. Tiny metal balls are attached to points on the ear with a small clear adhesive sticker.


TCM teaches that the ear is a microsystem of the whole body, where certain points on the ear correspond to different organs or body parts. Energy pathways (or ‘qi’ or vital life energy) pass through the ear and ear seeds stimulate specific points which send an abundant flow of energy to the related organ or area that needs attention. Think of it like reflexology, but for the ears instead of feet.


Ear seeds create continual, gentle pressure on nerve impulses in the ear which send messages to the brain that certain organs or systems need support. The brain will then send signals and chemicals to the nervous system helping you relax, heal, or focus, as well as releasing endorphins into the bloodstream, naturally soothing tension and discomfort.

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